Issue 1

The very first issue of Captian America

The very first issue of Captian America

Fearsome and I are not comic history buffs, but one thing we do know is that Captian America came into existence during World War II. The very first issue shows Captain America fighting the injustice of the ultimate of inhumane discrimination.

Our take:

Discrimination is born out of fear and ignorance. Fear of loss and ignorance of other cultures. Discrimination is actually the ego trying to build itself up out of a lonely inferior dark place.

A famous quote comes to mind:


Captain America was born out of values. Values of acceptance, freedom, growth, opportunity and bravery. Values that support humanity. The values that through humility and the realization that no one is better than any other, we may raise each other to equality and freedom beyond petty ego.

Fearsome values.

Stand up. Stay the corse. Don’t ever loose sight of what is good, nor ever stop working toward the goal of greater good.