Don’t be afraid, just turn me on!

It’s time to kick off the week of All Hallows’ Eve!

I’m winding down my trip east and fly back to San Diego tomorrow. It’s been a good trip. Mom is doing well. Things are winterized around the house and most all of Dad’s affairs are either settled or in fairly good order. It’ll be good to get home and back to work.

Recently another blogger mentioned an earworm of a tune that he had stuck in his head. He knows who he is. I remember that tune quite well, it was a funky tune by Wild Cherry. I love a good earworm and always enjoyed this one….

Go ahead, click and play it! Full screen for even more fun! You will not be disappointed in the music, style, dress, dancing or even in the decor. Yes it’s like they shot this video in a bad 1970s living room one might find over on Luriddigs (WARNING : NSFW home decor review blog). Scary setting, great tune and a wonderful earworm for this week.

Yes Scarlet, Halloween is coming this week. Don’t be afraid of no Boogie Man, just turn him on!