
It’s no secret that Dolly Parton is one of my heroes. My life is blessed to have shared our planet during her life.
The simple beauty of this early appearance with her two sisters is divine. Stick around as her mother and grandfather are in the audience.

Dolly Parton – Break My Mind – Porter Wagoner Show

May Peace Be With You

It’s a beautiful winter solstice evening here in San Diego California. We’ve just returned from a 4.7 mile walk as the sun set over the Pacific ocean to our west for its final time before our earth begins its tilt northward marking the beginning of winter. Today was a stunningly beautiful 75 degree F day here with crystal blue skies, warm but with a refreshing nip in the air. Simply the optimum Southern California winters’s day, kind of a cordial welcome to longer days that are on the horizon as we march toward spring.

Moments after arriving home we found this a cappella recording of Veni Veni Emmanuel. It’s simple yet refreshingly stunning. We found it an appropriate to welcome winter.

The Gesualdo Six – Veni Veni Emmanuel – 2014

Happy Winter Solstice…

May peace be with you.