Halloween 1978

Opening scene…

John Carpenter – Halloween – 1978 – Opening Scene

A true horror film. I was but a teenager and Fearsome was but peach fuzz, however we got to experience this classic the week it was released in 1978 with 5 other friends in a movie theatre with a full house. It was a most unforgettable adventure. An adventure that one never fully recovers from.

Happy Days Ahead

I’ve been saving this famous clip of Judy & Barbra just for today.

Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand – Happy Days Are Here Again / Come On Get Happy – 1963

Congratulations President Biden and Vice President Harris. Thank you for your service to our country. The world breathes a sigh of relief.

Dapper Dan Man

A short collection of George Clooney clips from Oh Brother Where Art Thou. My favorite Coen Brothers film, and frankly my favorite George Clooney performance to date.

Oh Brother Where Art Thou – Coen Brothers – 2000

Happy Star Wars Day!

Life has dealt us a moment to reset.
Therefore why don’t we start from the beginning.
It’s summer 1977, I’m just hitting puberty and arrived at a crowded 800 seat cinema scope AMC rocking chair theatre to find it packed to capacity and the only two seats left together for my neighbor and I are center front row. Needless to say it was a life changing summer.

May the force be with you.

Hail Satan?

Squeeeee! It’s finally out on iTunes.

Hail Satan? The official documentary about The Satanic Temple.

Yes I bought it and have already watched it. I give it two thumbs up and Fearsome gave it two mustache tips up. It’s informative, fun and often hilarious.

Highly recommended.

Hail Satan.

The post I was going to do, but decided not to write

Ok I’ll admit it. I am sick at home with a bad cold and can’t work. Thus yesterday I found myself watching the Cohen testimony between naps and coughing. You, my dear reader, can attest to that fact due to the suddenly overwhelming flurry of posted videos. I obviously wasn’t amused but infuriated by the shenanigans. Necessary shenanigans they were.

So this morning I posted Hail Satan? The Documentary. I did so for a reason. The Satanic Temple seems to actually be practicing the principals of ‘Christianity’ better than most ‘Christians’ I see in the press theses days. The Satanic Temple also seems to value truth and our U.S. constitution better than the ‘Christians’ I typically see in the press of recent . (Before anyone gets their panties all tied up in a bunch please note that I didn’t say “all” but I said “in the press” when referring to ‘Christians’.)

Just an observation and a frank opinion of mine at the moment. Under the influence of cold meds? Yes. Delusional? No.

My disclaimer is this:

While I believe that there is a greater power than me which gives me the spark of life and also helps guide me (if I choose to let it), I am not a ‘Christian’ nor am I a Satanist. My Higher Power or God  or Allah or Christ or Satan or Flying Spaghetti Monster, is my business and not anyone elses’. It is also not appropriate for me to push my personal beliefs about any deity of my own preference upon you or anyone.

Now having said all of that I’ll get to the post I was going to do, but decided not to write.

While watching yesterday’s necessary shenanigans, I couldn’t help but to think of the blind followers of a certain Mr. Hitler of Germany back in the 1930’s & 1940’s. Those thoughts immediately took me to a favorite musical of mine. That musical? Cabaret of corse. After all I am a 50 something homosexual and the lead is played by none other than Hollywood legend Judy Garland’s fabulous daughter Liza Manelli. Besides what other musical so boldly depicts a homosexual couple carefully maneuvering their way through a political minefield of hate, bigotry, mind control, deceit and selfishness?

So this morning I was going to snarkily just drop the video of the blonde German boy singing Tomorrow Belongs To Me right here on this here internets blogy thingy. You know just as a political statement. Therefore I popped over onto YouTube to copy a URL to post here for your viewing pleasure, and also for your own mind expanding contemplation about the blind following a false prophet onto a path of darkness and corruption.

I had thought this through and was simply going to post with it a few short words about history. Something like: “History often repeats itself. However if we learn from history can we make new choices? New and better choices so it possibly doesn’t repeat with the same outcome?”

This Post was going to be good. A real thought provoker. You know, clarity through simplicity. Hell maybe it would even go viral and suddenly I would be hearalded as new voice. A voice to be heard. My 15 minutes were just about to happen. I mean I could feel it.

Then while previewing the video of that blonde German boy singing my eyes drifted to the comments.

Bubble burst.

From the comments it seems that this climactic scene from an anti-Nazi 1970s film, starring none other than Liza Minnelli and having a homosexual subplot, is becoming an anthem for today’s populist (read: selfish, self centered, hate filled) movement. The very song that is directly pointing to the fallacy of a blind following is being heralded by those very same blind individuals as a call to action.

The fucking irony.

Silence = Death

To say that this was a stressful week would be an understatement.

We must speak out. We must stand up. We must stand strong. We must walk through. We must bond together. We must embrace each other. We must appreciate differences. We must support justice.

We must be good civil upstanding citizens and we must vote.

We mustn’t tolerate violence or discrimination.

We must understand.

Most of all, we must love.

Mystery of love

As far as the movie goes, I wasn’t very familiar. We rented the movie on iTunes and watched it during the Academy Awards Show since it was a nominee. Wasn’t a flick I really had an interest in seeing.

Then again the universe works as it should and I watched it. Beautiful film of innocence, love and understanding.

But then there is this:


I haven’t been moved by a piece of music like this in a long while. The movie awakened many a distant memory and revived many a treasured emotion. It’s theme song, this song, reminds me to be forever grateful for all the love that has ever touched my life. Love that lasted, love that was lost, love that maybe never came to be and even Love that hurt.

Mystery of Love – Sufjan Stevens (Call Me By Your Name)


I’ve decided to add the Academy Award performance of this beautiful tune that I missed while watching the film.

Movie Beard / Patti Cake$

Yesterday we flew from San Diego to Ft Lauderdale. We being Fearsome and myself.

The Better Half had recommended a movie called Patti Cake$. His reccomendation was a good one.

Diversity, acceptance, love, inspiration and adversity in a refreshing reality. Well filmed, acted, directed and edited.

The above Video is a blend of movie clips assembled into a music video of an original tune this flick gives us.

Highly reccomended film. Two mustache tips up on this one!